Workit Team

How To Use Mindfulness In Eating Disorder Recovery Without Getting Stressed

We recently caught up with Brooke, one of Workit’s interns, to talk about her own journey through eating disorder recovery. Brooke recently mentioned how valuable of a tool mindfulness can be in eating disorder recovery. But in much mindfulness work, the focus is on the on the body, an area of anxiety and concern for those in eating disorder recovery.

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Treating Michigan’s Opioid Crisis Behind Bars At Women’s Huron Valley Correctional Facility

In Michigan, there is only one prison facility for women, the Women’s Huron Valley Correctional Facility located in Ypsilanti. Treating addiction among the population has long been a main focus for the facility. Assistant Deputy Karri Osterhout says it’s difficult to pinpoint exactly how many of the inmates are in there for opiates, specifically, but that “what you see in society you also see in the prison community.”

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5 Ways Your Fitness Tracker Can Help You Beat Addictive Behaviors

Fitness trackers are ubiquitous these days; Jawbone, Fitbit, Apple Watch, Misfit, Garmin…even McDonalds has tried to jump on the trend (unsuccessfully). They’re especially popular in January, when many of us resolve to revamp our habits for the healthier, kick addictive behaviors, or get help with addiction recovery. Whether your wearable device is a freshly opened holiday gift, or a time-tested favorite, milk the most out of it by using it to help you stick to the jackpot of New Year’s resolutions: kicking addictions and bad habits. Here are 5 ways fitness trackers help you kick your vices:

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A margarita glass full of guacamole, garnished with lemon

4 Ways to Feel Your Best In Dry January

Ah, Dry January is finally upon us! It’s a month many of us sort of look forward to but also sort of dread: when we commit to staying off the booze for 31 days. Dry January ends up on the ultimate high note (accomplishing it feels great mentally and physically!), but getting through it has its highs and lows, like any lifestyle revamp does. Here’s 4 ways to feel your best throughout the inevitable rollercoaster:

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