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A New Year Equals A New Level of Recovery

Frederick Shegog learned that the goals I have set will require a certain maturity in my recovery in this upcoming year. This blog is meant to be the inspiration for anyone seeking a new level of recovery for 2021. 

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“Every next level of your life will demand a different you,” Leonardo DiCaprio.

2020 was the most remarkable year of my life, both professionally and personally. The accolades I was blessed to earn, along with the emotional growth I experienced was unlike any year of my life. By incorporating the healthy tools in my life, I realized this year is about a new recovery level. The goals I have set will require a certain maturity in my recovery in this upcoming year. Allow this blog to be the inspiration for anyone seeking a new level of recovery for 2021. 

As a child, I believed that once I got the house, degree, and wife, I would automatically turn into an auto-pilot of maturity. My mother would drive me through wealthy neighborhoods to inspire me to chase my dreams. She believed in the concept of what you see will play a significant role in what you end up becoming. While her theory made sense, the application of how I processed it was completely different. Driving past these houses, I assumed that they were all mature and healthy adults. I thought their level of life matched their level of spiritual maturity. It was not until I was told that millionaires statistically have the highest rate of suicide did I begin to understand that money does not equal happiness. I used to believe my life got better because of the things I acquired; however, I realized my life got better once I became a better person. I wholeheartedly believe that until I reached that level of understanding, pursuing motivational speaking was not possible. As a person sharing my truth, I had to realize the true meaning of growth. Growth comes in various forms but also requires a certain stature of emotional maturity. Asking a school to pay me for my speaking services requires my website to carry accolades of proof. I had to display why I am the best choice to inspire their students. My website is filled with accolades I have earned through hard work. Wisdom has taught me that proof is more significant than just achievements. If I only shared my accolades as a speaker but not the emotional growth, I was selling the youth short. I sat down and began to make changes to my website, and the testimonials spoke to my spirit. Here are the two that changed my whole theory about the growth God was teaching me:

“Words cannot express the respect and admiration I have for Frederick. His dedication to spreading the message of “hope, inspiration, and recovery” across the nation is impressive and critical for so many people to hear. The life and experience he brings to his work allow him to reach across age, race, gender truly, and socioeconomic lines to make a real and lasting impact on all people, no matter what obstacles they have to overcome. He is an incredible example of what it means to dig deep inside yourself and own your story, rewriting the narrative into something you can not only feel proud of but that you can harness into a positive light for others. His message needs to be heard far and wide so that when people see themselves in him, they will know that they, too, can un-apologetically own their story and rewrite their ending. His formal accomplishments are impressive, and yet it is his humanity, humility, and authenticity that will win you over!” Laura Burke, M.Ed. Principal on Special Assignment (POSA) at Aurora Public Schools

“To say that Freddy is an inspirational speaker is a complete understatement. He came to speak to my school of “at-risk” teens; those students hung on every word he said. He moved them with his personal story of troubles, hard-work, and triumph. He connected with the students because they, too, have troubles, and they appreciated having someone they could relate to sharing his honest story. I asked Freddy to speak for 45 minutes to an hour, worried that my students would get bored, but he could have spoken for much longer, and the students still would have listened intently. Afterward, the students did not clear out but went to shake his hand and stay behind to speak to him one-on-one! I will be asking Freddy to come back and see my students again in the future. I highly recommend asking Frederick Shegog to come to speak to your group. He is real. He is honest. He is inspirational. L. Newman, Acting Principal, SYA Media, PA

When I read the line, “His formal accomplishments are impressive, and yet it is his humanity, humility, and authenticity that will win you over,” a light bulb went off in my head. Finally, I began to understand the goal was to inspire through teaching the balance of my life. The accolades are only part of the success, but the journey is gold. My newfound wisdom made me a better speaker and put me in a position to receive more blessings. 

I had to travel back home for my Grandmother’s funeral and visited with my family. I was not only able to make amends but left with a significant weight off my back. I no longer carry around guilt, shame, and anger over any past with them. 2020 allowed me a particular growth to confront those demons, and now I am ready for 2021. Driving back home, I realized I had set a high bar for 2021, and it will require a higher level of recovery. I was once told if my goals are not scaring me, then they are not big enough. The Message LLC platform is growing, and my educational journey is taking me to graduate school applications. My fiance and I are planning to sell this house in another year. I will not be able to make any of these transitions if I do not level up in my recovery. I will level up through more in-depth usage of all my health tools, including yoga, mediation, prayer, journaling, reading, podcasting, acupuncture, a healthier diet, and working out. I have never been hungrier for growth in my life. My mind has been opened, and I feel like Rocky when he begins his training. I want everyone to experience this feeling and attack 2021 with a new level of growth. Recovery is a consistent life of growth that brings beautiful blessings. I was once told, “Freddy, we never fail. We only learn!” 2020 taught me not to look back because I am not going that way! I am attacking 2021 with God and grind; I am ready for the next level of my recovery! 


Frederick Shegog is the Founder/CEO The Message LLC, a motivational speaking organization, and is a person in recovery. He is a high honors graduate of Delaware County Community College with an Associate of Arts (AA) in Communication and Media Studies, he can be reached for services at

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