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Moderate or quit drinking from home for Florida residents​

How does online alcohol rehab work?

What can I expect from the program? 

Physical, emotional, and mental support. You’ll meet with a clinician who listens. Then in group follow-up appointments, you’ll get support from that provider, other Workit Health members, and the behavioral health team.

You’re not going to feel alone out there. We have groups you join and courses that you can do that are fun and not like being in school. It’s supportive. It’s a little something you carry in your pocket.

Shannon Brigham

Workit Physician Assistant, VP of Medical Practice, Adjunct Professor at Seton Hall University PA Program

Yes, with telemedicine, you can get the treatment that you need from the comfort of your home. Not everyone can find a babysitter to get to get to a treatment center. Workit Health was one of the first innovative programs to offer telehealth even before COVID. I love being able to reach out to people who need help wherever they are.

Janessa Perrin

Head of Behavioral Health, Master's of Social Work from University of Michigan

Yes, for most people, it can. Alcohol use disorder has historically been really hard to treat. In the past, the only option was 12-step programs, which can be effective but don’t work for everybody.

Today, naltrexone is a medication that we can use that helps with the cravings for alcohol. It’s easy to take, and there are few side effects. It’s quite effective in helping people to avoid picking up that first drink.

Dr. Kevin Armington

Workit Physician, Board Member of Office of Alcoholism and Substance Use Services

The Workit 90 Day Plan

Recovery designed to fit into your life

Month 1


Focus on key elements of your recovery journey, including understanding your motivation, building a network of support, and receiving expert care to manage cravings.

Month 2


Add tools to your recovery toolbox and develop new coping skills while you continue to receive expert clinical care. We'll also focus on peer support in groups and our Forum chatrooms.

Month 3


Build on your recovery foundation with once a month, 60-minute group visits for support, optional medication management, and staying connected through in-app chats and peer chatrooms.

We accept insurance or self-pay

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