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Workit Health Content Policy

We share our knowledge so that people can make informed decisions about their own care.



In order to provide varied content from a range of perspectives, we have a wide range of contributors and content creators, both employed by Workit Health and independent. Our content is vetted and peer-reviewed, and each author is identified with a byline. We support our claims and conclusions by linking to the relevant sources. We strive to create an inclusive and diverse team of contributing authors.


Medical Expertise

Workit Health’s experts and advisors come from emergency care, psychiatry, behavioral health, and addiction medicine. When medically relevant, these experts individually review our posts. Those that have been reviewed and verified by a medical professional display an acknowledgment at the bottom above the byline.


Medical Disclaimer

The content posted on our website is for general information purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should never disregard medical advice based on something you have read on this website. If you have a medical emergency, contact your doctor or local emergency services immediately.


Corrections and Feedback

We endeavor to produce accurate, informative content with the intention of helping our readers to better understand addiction, recovery, and the social, legal, and medical landscape around them.

If you have questions about our content or suggestions for improving this website, let us know.

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