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The Ultimate Guide to Workit Health’s Clinic Programs

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Workit Health is an addiction healthcare company offering clinically-proven addiction care on your phone from the privacy of your own home. 

Workit Health treatment programs are administered via our mobile and web apps. A lot of people wonder how that works. When members enter our program for opioid use disorder or alcohol use disorder, they can meet with clinicians and counselors and join online recovery groups while completing self-set goals. Our interactive curriculum of over 1,000 engaging online courses keeps members on the path to recovery from the comfort of home. We offer 24/7 recovery that fits into daily life, designed by experts.

In this guide, you will learn all about our opioid use disorder clinic program, our alcohol use disorder clinic program, helpful tips, and other frequently asked questions about both programs.

Opioid Use Disorder Program:

What is it?

The Workit Clinic for Opioids program is designed to help members struggling with opioids. Opioids include prescription painkillers like oxycodone and Percocet as well as morphine, methadone, fentanyl, or heroin.

What does the program include?

  • A dedicated prescribing Workit clinician who provides ongoing medical care via telehealth (video conferencing). In the state of Ohio, a single in-person visit may be required. 
  • Group therapy with a licensed counselor.  
  • 24/7 access to a personalized online program that contains helpful exercises and constant encouragement & support.

Who is eligible?

The Workit Clinic program is available to anyone who is struggling with their opioid use.

What do you need to sign up?

  • Have access to a computer or a smartphone with internet
  • Be able to video conference with your prescribing clinician once a week
  • Be able to complete at-home drug tests as ordered by your physician once a week
  • Have a valid credit or debit card that we can keep on file to pay for any costs accrued for care

Members that succeed in the Workit Clinic program are highly motivated to get well and prioritize their treatment. They’re able to complete program requirements (drug testing, appointments, counseling), and have access to stable internet and technology to complete video visits.

What is medication-assisted treatment?

Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is the use of medication to treat opioid addiction to reduce cravings and risk of relapse while increasing well-being.

The most common medication used for Workit members receiving MAT for opioids is Suboxone (buprenorphine/naloxone). Suboxone is a prescription medicine that you can take at home. It replaces and blocks other opioids in your brain. As a partial opioid agonist, Suboxone causes limited pleasurable effects, just enough to stop withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings for opioids like heroin or pain pills. It is FDA-approved to treat people who are dependent on or addicted to opioids.

Suboxone treatment can be highly effective, especially when combined with psychosocial support and counseling. Treatment begins and continues under the supervision of a physician who is specially certified to prescribe Suboxone. 

Want more info? We have answers to the most common Suboxone treatment questions.

Will you need to stop using opiates before your first appointment? 

At Workit Health, we offer home inductions, which is a fancy way of saying you take your first dose of Suboxone (buprenorphine/naloxone) at home after seeing our doctors. This means you do not need to be already in withdrawal at your first appointment.

Worried about knowing when to take your first dose? Your Care Team will walk you through the process at your first appointment.

Does Workit Clinic support other medications for opioid use disorder?

We also offer naltrexone for opioid use disorder. Because naltrexone can precipitate withdrawal, it is recommended for those in stable recovery. To begin naltrexone treatment for opioids, you must have been abstinent from opioids for a minimum of 7-10 days.

Depending on your situation, symptoms, and health information, your clinician may recommend other medications (in addition to your main MAT meds) to relieve the discomfort of withdrawal symptoms.

Alcohol Use Disorder Program:

What is it?

The Workit Clinic Alcohol Program is for patients struggling with alcohol. We offer two different treatment types. 

What are the two treatment types offered?

Naltrexone/Vivitrol for ABSTINENCE

In order to sign up for the alcohol abstinence program, members must have undergone a medical detox AND/OR have not had any alcohol within the past 7 days. 

Members will receive an abstinence-specific curriculum upon signup, and their clinician will explain how their medication should be used to help them stay abstinent from alcohol.

Naltrexone for MODERATION (The Sinclair Method)

In order to sign up for the alcohol moderation program, members do not have to be abstinent from alcohol.

Members will receive a moderation/TSM specific curriculum upon signup, and their clinician will explain how their medication should be used to help them moderate or limit their alcohol use..

What if you aren’t sure which treatment type is best for you? 

Undecided new members will default to the abstinence curriculum. Then you will cover your recovery goals with your clinician to determine which type of program is best for you. 

What medication will you get in the alcohol program?

Our medical doctors prescribe naltrexone or Vivitrol via telehealth at their own discretion, and depending on which treatment path you choose. Prescriptions are always offered in conjunction with a corresponding digital support and education program, as well as counseling.

Does Workit Clinic support other medications for alcohol use disorder?

An alternative medication for alcohol use disorder is acamprosate (brand name Campral). Acamprosate is not indicated for people who are actively drinking, so it is only prescribed for those in the abstinence program.

Depending on your situation, symptoms, and health information, your clinician may recommend other medications (in addition to your main MAT meds) to relieve the discomfort of withdrawal symptoms.

Other information and resources:

What are the payment options for a Workit Clinic program?

At Workit Clinic, we have many payment options including insurance, grant funding, and private pay.

We accept many types of insurance. If you have a private health plan for which we’re not in-network, we can help you submit a reimbursement claim for the cost of your visit.

Our program is billed monthly or weekly, which includes visits with the provider, group therapy, and support chat with our medical and administrative team. 

Your clinician will e-prescribe your medication to a local pharmacy, and you will pay the pharmacy as you do for any other prescription. 

Where do you sign up?

The easiest way to get started with Workit Clinic for Alcohol and Opioids is to download our app and sign up online directly. If you need assistance signing up or have additional questions, you can give us a call.

What is the time commitment for the Workit Clinic program?

Every patient is different, and therefore requires a different treatment plan. You, your doctor, and your counselor will craft a treatment plan that meets your specific needs. 

A typical Workit Clinic patient’s week looks like this: 

  • Attend a weekly group therapy session (in person or online)
  • Have a weekly 1:1 meeting with your medical team (15 mins) 
  • Take a weekly at-home drug screen (30 mins) 
  • Complete 2-3 exercises per week from your online curriculum (30 mins) 

We designed Workit to be as easy to use and simple to integrate into your daily life as possible. 

What technology do you need to access video appointments with your provider?

To participate in our program you will need:

  • WIFI connection
  • A cell phone, or tablet that has video capability
  • The ability to download and install the Workit Health app

Can you join the program without a driver’s license or other current state ID?

Yes. We do require some form of picture ID prior to prescribing medications due to regulations, but it doesn’t have to be a driver’s license. If you do not have a driver’s license or state ID, please contact us, and we can help.

What are the courses like? Are they required? 

As part of the Workit Clinic program, we encourage you to complete 2 courses per week. These courses are usually pretty quick, and are relevant to your recovery goals and situation. Completing both will probably take about 30 minutes per week.

Because Workit is a holistic program and not a quick fix, our evidence-based exercises are designed to treat the whole person. 

Curious to know what one of our exercises is like? Try one out: ‘The Other D.E.A,’ an unlocked exercise from Workit Health. You can also download the Workit Health app and try out a few of the free courses we offer there.

What if you just want to moderate your use, but not stop altogether?

We get it. A lot of us have been there. Whatever your goal is, be it moderation, harm reduction, or total abstinence, we will help you achieve it.  

Our programs never require abstinence from all substances or behaviors. We’ll help you meet your own self-set recovery goals.

What do you need to do before your first appointment?

You will need to complete your pre-appointment checklist before your appointment via the Workit Health app. This included consenting to care through our program, as well as uploading your ID and a copy of your insurance card for our records.

Convenient, science-based addiction treatment through a mobile app. The Ultimate Guide to Workit Health's Clinic Program

A future free of addiction is in your hands

Recover from addiction at home with medication, community, and support—from the nonjudmental experts who really care.

Courtney Todd is the digital marketing coordinator at Workit Health. She has a  passion for raising awareness in the addiction treatment, recovery, and public health space.

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